Working across multiple tasks and divisions, Marilyn has a varied, busy and important role within Linear. Always friendly and approachable, she strives to help ensure optimal efficiency for colleagues and provide the right advice every time. Thriving on the family feel at Linear, Marilyn believes everyone’s commitment to going the extra mile is one of the main secrets to success for the Group.

How did you come to work for Linear?
For many years I worked as a Payroll Supervisor for a recruitment agency but unfortunately, the position became redundant so I opted for temping before the opportunity to work for Linear Projects came along.
Tell us about your role
My role encompasses multiple tasks across the individual businesses located within the Manchester offices. Each aspect is varied, and no two days are the same, which always brings its own challenges but I’ve always been happy with the job and the role I can play within the business.
What is the most rewarding part of your role?
Knowing that I am a valued member of the team, and that people are happy to approach me for help and advice.
What is the proudest moment in your career?
For me, it is being part of a business which is successfully growing. When I first started working for the company, the team was quite small but how it has grown. It has been exciting to witness that growth and be integral to it too.
Who has influenced you most?
I can honestly say hand on heart that Dale Zahra (Regional Managing Director at Linear Projects Manchester) has been my total inspiration, he is a great leader, firm, yet fair, always approachable, kind and considerate to everyone with the “my door is always open” policy. Nothing has ever been too much trouble and I have tried to adopt the same attitude, to treat people how you would like to be treated yourself. So yes, Dale Zahra has been my biggest influence.
What is the most challenging aspect of your role?
Due to my position within the business, I work across the different divisions and teams so it can be challenging to plan a day’s work as it often falls apart so I can often be left playing catch up or chasing my tail!
What makes Linear different?
Linear is basically like a big family. It is a warm and friendly place to work and as you are at work for a large part of the day it makes for a very comfortable place to be. Everyone will go that extra mile to help and I have never met anyone with anything negative to say about anyone at Linear.
How have things changed since you joined?
Initially, when I started working here there were just four of us in the Manchester Office and it was just one business, now there are so many I’ve lost count, but it has retained that family feel.
How would others describe you?
I would like to think people would describe me as honest, trustworthy, friendly, and approachable -- always willing to help where I can.
What do you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy walking, gardening, socialising and spending as much time as possible with my grandchildren, though as they are now teenagers that’s less and less frequent sadly.