Linear Group news

LDC Scotland spreads Christmas cheer with present collection.

Linear Design & Construct are well and truly in the Christmas spirit with the collection of presents for Cherry Tree Nursery in Ayr. 

Christmas cheer

Along with our friends at Robinson Lowe Francis, particularly Dorothy Robertson and Robert McQueen, we gathered 120 presents which means every child at the nursery received a gift.

We are committed to supporting good causes and as we will start working with South Ayrshire Council next year, this felt like a fitting way to give something back this Christmas.

Ryan Broadley, Managing Director of Linear Design & Construct said, “Working with our partners in South Ayrshire, we are really pleased to be able to help make a difference to these children this Christmas and show our support in this great way.”

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Linear Design & Construct Scotland successfully completes Scottish Bible Society HQ.

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Linear Design & Construct goes live with new Managing Director.